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How To Be an Attention-Getter, Everytime, Everywhere

We're drowning in a sea of things that are clamoring for our attention.

Blogs, wikipedia, Digg, Newsvine, FOX News, ESPN, Google News, RSS, email, Tivo, iPod, Flickr, YouTube, etc.

Plus, the real world: family, significant others, kids, friends, co-workers, bosses, vendors, conference friends, etc.

But your attention is limited.

What speaks to you? What cuts through the clutter?

Same as it always was: good stories.

So, who tells good stories?

Is it corporations?

Or is it people?

(Hint: it ain't corporations.)

As attention grows scarce, your ability to tell a story and cut through the noise is more important than ever.

The good thing is, right now, it's easier than ever to tell a story. And if you tell a good story, people will listen.

Telling a story well will make you famous. And fame brings attention. And attention gets you chicks, or dudes, or whatever your thing is. Lather, rinse, repeat.

So tell a story. Be funny, be scary, be sexy. The important thing is: be entertaining.

(Maybe try dancing?)

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Comments (Post | Latest)

1. noah kagan said on Aug 19 2006:

I think it is important to be unique. If you don't take a risk and do something special it is hard to stand out and get attention.

2. noah kagan said on Aug 19 2006:

ps. chartreuse wants this post back;)

3. kareem said on Aug 19 2006:

Good point, Noah. I think part of being entertaining is being unique.

If you dressed up as Napoleon Dynamite and YouTubed yourself dancing on the internet, it wouldn't be nearly as funny... unless you added your own touches that made it unique.

4. kareem said on Aug 19 2006:
ps. chartreuse wants this post back;)

Are you kidding? Don't insult Char like that! ;)

5. Ryan Burnett said on Aug 21 2006:

Great article Kareem. That Coudal thing was hilarious. I thought they were going to mimmick the cliched agency "experience" and totally slammed it. Classic.

6. kareem said on Aug 21 2006:

Thanks Ryan! Coudal does some really good stuff :)


Hi, I'm Kareem Mayan. I co-founded eduFire, an online video tutoring company.

I've done time at ESPN and FIM.

I advise WorldBlu, helping them build democratic companies.

I moderated a council for Creative Good.

And, I helped bring Barcamp, a technology un-conference, to LA, which is where I live. I am now living and working in cool cities around the world.

More about me.

Opinions stated here are mine alone.

Contact: blog -at- reemer


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