You're viewing a blog archive and some things may no longer work. For the latest, go here. 3.0: It's Good Enough

So you have no doubt noticed that I've redesigned this website from a busy and fugly site into one that is sleeker, cleaner, and more functional.

In the spirit of Getting Real quickly, I banged this out in four long days of fiddling with CSS, messing with new plugins (like MTSQL and MultiBlog), integrating--and then links*, and after evaluating Wordpress, installing the shiny, new Movable Type 3.2 (which, like the site, is Good Enough) on my new web host, Dreamhost.

It's quite true what those 37 Signals guys say--even though there's a list of 30+ features I want to implement, it's a huge load off my shoulders to have "Gotten Real", and pushed this out the door. In fact, when I decided that Saturday was launch day, I started hacking down the feature list to the essentials, and so things like archives and search have yet to go up... but they will, soon. Also as a consequence of getting this site up, there are some things that might look or feel a little bit unfinished, and there will be some minor aesthetic and functional changes around here for the next month or so. That's ok, though, because even a raw v3.0 is miles and away better than a polished v2.0.

The functional changes to the site are ones I've been wanting to implement for a good year now. There is no longer a sidebar of links or a separate tab for books I'm reading. In the spirit of "content is content", all new posts to the site will appear chronologically in the body of the page, and in the RSS feed.

Also, I will be focusing more on content that is relevant to my professional interests, rather than focusing on the quite inconsequential details of my life ("my childhood was typical: summers in Rangoon... luge lessons... In the spring, we'd make meat helmets...")

Er, that is to say, I'll be writing more about the things in the header: customer experience, emerging technology, and media. That doesn't mean I won't write about sports and FOX and where I went on my vacation this summer, though. I'll probably just write about those things less. That's the plan, anyways.

If you notice any bugs or have feedback, I would love to hear it; please drop me a line at kareem at reemer dot com (contact form coming soon).

Thanks, and enjoy.

* - Incidentally, I learned a lot about how to integrate multiple blogs and dump links chronologically inline with other blog posts, but decided to axe it because the extended entry field in isn't long enough and doesn't allow HTML. I'd be happy to share my experiences, though, so drop me a line if you'd like to know more! Also, the Yellow Fade Technique was dead-simple to integrate--w00t! (to see what the YFT is, click the Go Back link.) Go back.

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Comments (Post | Latest)

1. Mike D. said on Sep 29 2005:

Love the new look. Mine eyes have hereby stopped bleeding.

One suggestion though: Have two RSS feeds. One with just your full posts and one with both full posts and linkblog items.

2. kareem said on Sep 29 2005:

Thanks Mike. Two RSS feeds is already on my list. I'll be rolling things out over the next couple of weeks.



Hi, I'm Kareem Mayan. I co-founded eduFire, an online video tutoring company.

I've done time at ESPN and FIM.

I advise WorldBlu, helping them build democratic companies.

I moderated a council for Creative Good.

And, I helped bring Barcamp, a technology un-conference, to LA, which is where I live. I am now living and working in cool cities around the world.

More about me.

Opinions stated here are mine alone.

Contact: blog -at- reemer


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