37 Signals Launches Backpack
37 Signals launched Backpack today.
It looks useful for storing and sorting notes, lists, files, images, and reminders. And, 37 Signals tends to develop products that are simple and useful, instead of products with tons of barely-used features coming out the wazoo.
I was using OneNote to store all the miscellaneous information one collects over time, but because I use more than one machine, it outlived its usefulness. Backpack is hosted by the 37 Signals guys, so it's accessible anywhere through the web. Plus, you can email notes to it (from a cellphone, too!) and it can ping your cellphone with reminders. Very nice.
Should be interesting to see whether Backpack can outlast OneNote as my personal data-gathering tool of choice. Gotta play around with it a bit later.
Also, if you're thinking about it, there's a list of Backpack reviews in Jason Fried's Backpack.