ETech: Day 1 Impressons Roundup
Flickr has:
- 250k API requests per day
- 3M page views per day
- 4-5% of traffic is API requests
Kevin Kealy of AT&T; described a device they built that stems denial of service attacks. Very engaging speaker who explains things in simple and funny terms. Network security's not my bag, but Kealy's talk was riveting.
Riveting, I say!
MS Research showed off two very cool applications, Datelens, which offers a zoomable UI for calendar apps and 3D Journal, which offers on-the-fly dead-simple polygon creation and animation. The latter elicited applause--it was very cool. Incidentally, "very cool" was used more than 20 times in the 15 minutes that I was in the talk. Dudes at MS R&D; must have "very cool" jobs ;)
Adam Gross from demoed their system for building applications using a point-and-click interface. Neat, and good for rapid enterprise application development.
Good times. Now, sleep.
Tags: etech