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[-Saskatoon-] The removal of weeds from one's garden.

The rehearsal went great on Friday night. Among the things that Reverend Dexter told us was that we should laugh if something was funny, remember to breathe, and call him "Rev", "Dexter", or "Rev Dex". Shakey shed some tears in the rehearsal, and I got goosebumps when Natasha walked down the aisle, even though she was not wearing anything resembling a wedding dress. The only thing about the ceremony that could go wrong involved a hell-raising three year old flower girl, Ella, and her equally young ringbearer cousin, Levi.

The BBQ at Brett and Maria's was great, and Shakey and Tash presented Mark, Kris and I with Baccarat Wine Bottle Openers. Super cool. We all turned in at a somewhat reasonable midnight to make it through the wedding day on Saturday.

Kris, Batesy and I met up at 9:30am on the wedding morning to grab some grub and pick up the tuxedos. We met up with Shakey and Mark an hour later, and went up to the restaurant in the Bessborough so Shakey would not be getting married on an empty stomach. Stuart the photographer met up with us to take some shots, but he decided against coming with us to Brett and Maria's to take pictures of the men as we prepared for the wedding. Shakey put it well when he said that taking pictures of us sitting around in our boxers and drinking beer is a lot less appealing than taking pictures of the girls as they got ready.

All the guys in the wedding party drove to the church together, and the nervous anticipation in the car was palpable. It was like the feeling I get before a big play in an important game.

The ceremony was short and went off without any major hitches--nobody in the wedding party shed tears (unlike the rehearsal), nobody tripped or fell, Mark did not have to tear up the aisle after the little ringbearer Levi to get the rings, and flower girl Ella made it halfway down the aisle in silence, and the next half without causing havoc. I'm told it was beautiful, but I was facing Rev Dex and the massive organ pipes (10+ feet high!) for the duration.

Rev Dex had a bit of a lisp, and some hilarity almost ensued during the vows. Shakey almost repeated Dexter's " thickneth and in health...", and almost lost it when Rev Dex lisped the line to Natasha. Good stuff.

Stuart the photographer took what I think will turn out to be some really innovative shots. Unfortunately the 27 and sunshine in the morning turned to 15 and rainy in the afternoon, so we were not able to get shots in the picturesque gazebo by the river. I think Stuart got some unique, kick-ass shots when we stopped to grab some McDonald's before heading to the final shoot location (there were four). The bridesmaids ended up "body draping" themselves on the groomsmen and black PT Cruiser in a parking garage. We were all chowing on Mickey D's while in our formal wear. Really unorthodox, and I think the pictures will have a cool, urban, gritty feel to them.

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Hi, I'm Kareem Mayan. I co-founded eduFire, an online video tutoring company.

I've done time at ESPN and FIM.

I advise WorldBlu, helping them build democratic companies.

I moderated a council for Creative Good.

And, I helped bring Barcamp, a technology un-conference, to LA, which is where I live. I am now living and working in cool cities around the world.

More about me.

Opinions stated here are mine alone.

Contact: blog -at- reemer


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