D.C. is a cool town.
I stayed with Ali on Friday night at his pad in Dupont Circle. We went to brunch at a cool place in Adams Morgan, which kind of reminded me of a more American version of St. Laurent.
Of course, it could be that because of my current suburban lifestyle, *any* street with a few cool restaurants and bars and with a relatively ethnically diverse population would remind me of St. Laurent.
Ali and I met up for dinner with Emma, an old highschool friend living in London, who proceeded to convince me to take the 6am Sunday train back instead of the 9:30pm Saturday train.
We enjoyed a huge sushi dinner on an open-air patio and then proceeded to Soussi's Moroccan lounge, where we puffed on some shisha.
My experience in D.C. was great--the city is young, vibrant, and diverse.
In the past, that was enough for me to like a city.
It's gold, Jerry, gold!