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Gel and Mesh

In May, I'm heading to two conferences that I'm very excited about. The first is Good Experience Live, or Gel, which is put on by the folks at Good Experience. The conference brings together folks who create great experiences in different disciplines--areas like art, technology, film, theater, retail design, community building, etc. The conference is designed to be a great experience, and last year, it was. This year's lineup looks to be amazing, and they have scheduled speakers like Seth Godin, Craig, Linda Stone, and Douglas Rushkoff (who wrote the excellent Get Back in the Box, which I am halfway through.)

In mid-May, I'm heading back to Toronto to hit up Mesh (and possibly BarCampTdot). It's a long way to go for a conference that I'm attending on my own dime, but excellent speakers aside, there's a big reason I'm super excited to be heading to my home town for Mesh.

Here's why: at the end of 2005, I met up with two tech guys who live in Toronto--an entrepreneur and a VP at a dotcom. Both lamented the lack of a Toronto tech community. The late-Novemeber TorCamp changed all that. At ETech, David Crow was telling me that the four DemoCamps that followed up TorCamp had approximately 20, 65, 100, and 150 participants. The Toronto tech community is growing, and I want to both meet and help TDot techies however I can. When I graduated from McGill, I wanted to stay in Canada, but couldn't find any interesting tech gigs there. I'm confident that I'll end up back in Canada, and I want to do my (however small) part to help grow the community so it's thriving whenever I end up back home.

So, if you are heading to either conference, please drop me a line!

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1. Mathew Ingram said on Apr 6 2006:

Thanks for the plug, Reemer. And you are quite right about the Toronto tech scene -- I've been to the last two DemoCamps and they have been packed. Looking forward to meeting you at mesh.


2. kareem said on Apr 6 2006:

My pleasure, Mathew. Thanks for helping put Mesh together--looking forward to meeting you too.



Hi, I'm Kareem Mayan. I co-founded eduFire, an online video tutoring company.

I've done time at ESPN and FIM.

I advise WorldBlu, helping them build democratic companies.

I moderated a council for Creative Good.

And, I helped bring Barcamp, a technology un-conference, to LA, which is where I live. I am now living and working in cool cities around the world.

More about me.

Opinions stated here are mine alone.

Contact: blog -at- reemer


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